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Saturday, July 4, 2009
This Old House
My abitious (read: crazy) husband decided to single-handedly tackle enclosing our side porch to create an office and (hopefully) a little extra storage space for the ever-growing pile of toys. I had little to no interest in starting another house project and proclaimed from the start that I would not be involved in this instanity. Naturally, watching Josh slave away broke my resolve and I've been logging 2.5 hours/naptime each day. We've already discovered our fair share of surprises -- a (thankfully defunct) wasp's (?) nest measuring almost two feet in diameter, lots of wood rot, and (on the brighter side) a concealed vaulted ceiling which we will definitely be keeping!
In the meantime, our poor Anna is walking around the house with a chunk of lip hanging out of her mouth after hitting the floor face first last night. The "hanger-on" piece is so disgusting that I can hardly bear to look at my own child (is that wrong?) and actually thought momentarily of cutting it off to relieve my disgust. She also got stung by a carpenter bee three times earlier this week and burned her finger on a lightbulb. Truly a banner week for Anna Claire. I spared you the injury/sadness photos and included these two cute ones instead.
Next time, I would like to see a picture of you laboring beside your husband like a real Proverbs 31 woman...have Anna -girl genius- take the picture. I am pretty sure she's capable!
That almost makes it more heartbreaking to see that adorable smile and think of the pain she must be in! Poor Anna!!! Tell her to take a day off!
Next time, I would like to see a picture of you laboring beside your husband like a real Proverbs 31 woman...have Anna -girl genius- take the picture. I am pretty sure she's capable!
Ps. Build, Josh, build!!!
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