Let's begin with this lovely photo of our still chubby little girl, complete with size extra-large swimmies (the package said size 2-12 years which seemed like a bargain to me!) and hot pink goggles (which Anna insisted on wearing). Anna made amazing strides with her "swimming" during vacation and by the end was demanding that she be allowed to "do by self" (i.e. don't touch me!)

Meanwhile, I rediscovered about 43 muscles I forgot I had thanks to some long bike rides and a never ending tennis match with Josh's brother Ben and his fiance Denise. I'm pretty sure that was the first time I'd done either in about five years. We're seriously considering buying some bikes and one of these great cart things for Anna (as you can see, Anna thinks they're a blast).

To my great delight, one thing we discovered on vacation is that we may have a girl drummer on our hands. Anna picked up the drum sticks one night while everyone was playing Guitar Hero and started banging away... in her monkey jammies, no less.
I could go on and on, but these last few photos are pretty self-explanatory, with one small excepetion... no, that is not coffee in Anna's cup (though her facial expression does remind me of how I feel when I have my first cup of coffee in the morning):

Great pics Ansel! Don't you look super cute as well in your flowing tanks :) Love Anna's suit. Eowyn has been requesting a playdate with Anna with turrets-like repetity of late- Can you guys make it happen soon?
You're so right about Anna in her bathing suit - love the single pigtail, too! Very cute family picture at the end!
My favorite is the family pic at the bottom with your cute barely pregnant looking self.
Great pics I especially like the one where the breeze is lifting her little sundress - so Marilyn Monroe. I heard in the month of July which is not over, Rhode Island has had 9 inches of rain when they normally have 2 inches. Oh, New England weather what a drag.
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