I'm convinced that Jack breathes a sigh of relief every day at 6 p.m. when daddy gets home and rescues him from the estrogen party that goes on every day here on Pleasant Street. Given Anna's affinity for all things pink, purple, and princessy (and my unwillingness to break the obsession), Jack is pretty much subject to every
last one of Anna's girly whims including being dressed up in doll clothes and accessories. Revenge, I suspect, will one day be his...
Along those lines, allow me to extend a challenge question to those of you who regularly read and comment on this blog. Please properly identify the item I found jammed in my nail clippers this morning, as pictured below:
...or maybe jack will br a French diplomat oneday. Okay, my guess-one of Anna's teeth
it looks like a yellow bead but i'm guessing it's a princess's yellow slipper?
Hmm...I'm going with the second suggestion...the front view of Belle's princess shoe.
Indeed, it is a Belle princess shoe
Whew, that little tidbit of useless information has been several years in the making. Our princess doll collection is up to five and I'm resisting the complete set. Poor Benjamin gets dressed up and handed a princess doll all the time. Thankfully, he also seems to be obsessed with trucks. :)
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