This may very well be the last blog featuring Anna as the lead story. With baby Jack's arrival right around the corner, our little girl's reign is about to end. Given that Josh and I are both first borns, we can partially relate to this process of dethronement and believe it's for the best! Anyways, over the past few weeks, we've been enjoying all the traditional holiday activities as much as my extremely pregnant and uncomfortable state will allow.
Anna was a huge help in the kitchen this year, dutifully unwrapping Hershey's kisses for the PB Kiss cookies, carefully sprinkling the sugar star cookies, and painstakingly sampling one of every kind of cookie that came out of the oven. For the first time in J & L Heebner family history, we got to celebrate Christmas at our own house in RI. Last night we went to the Christmas eve service (and struggled to keep Anna still through an entire 30 minutes of overheated pageantry) and then this morning, we had breakfast & gift opening with Mom-Mom, Dad-Dad and Uncle Dave who came into town to celebrate with us..JPG)
On the whole, Anna was sort of overwhelmed by all the gifts and seemed partially irritated by the never ending unwrapping process. (With so many fun things to play with, why would she want to keep unwrapping?). Her favorite gift was the box of princess shoes that Uncle Dave got her, followed by the Belle dress from mom-mom and dad-dad. Another close runner up (strangely enough) was the ironing board and iron that Josh and I picked out. She's currently ironing a pair of her underwear while wearing the Belle dress and plastic high heels...
Love the mental image of Anna ironing her underwear while wearing her Belle dress and plastic high heels. She's honestly just so adorable! Can't wait to hear about Baby Jack!
Oh, Laur, I've been thinking of you! Wondering if Jack will come sooner than later. (here's hoping!)
JACK?! I LOVE this name. It is one of my top five boys names...How cute!
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