Last week while Josh was away, Anna and I took a mini "cation". We drove down to Mystic, CT, went to the aquarium,
ate dinner at Mystic pizza, and stayed overnight in a hotel with an indoor pool. It was a great way to break up a long stretch without daddy! As soon as Anna figured out that the sea creatures could not escape their glass enclosures, she was totally on board with the aquarium experience. As for the hotel pool, that got two thumbs up.
(What didn't get two thumbs up was my big pregnant body in a bathing suit -- yikes!). Anyways, I'm really trying to suck everything I can out of these last few weeks alone with Anna. I'm excited for Jack's arrival, but I'm also sort of sad about it not being just the two of us anymore!.JPG)
On a completely separate note, we were watching Wizard of Oz last night and Anna picked this peculiar spot to relax.
I'm having trouble seeing your belly. Is it still inverted?? :)
You're a tiny pregnant girl--let's face it, I ate all I wanted with Dakota and it showed!
I'm excited for Jack, too!!
Can't wait to meet him--Anna's going to be the best helper too!
So you have decided to call the baby boy Jack? Great name. It reminds me of Jake and you know we all love him. It's a real manly name, Jack and I have such fond memories of my own uncle Jack, Earle's brother. By the way, little Lila is now out of the sleepy stage and recognizes the principle players which I am one of. She reminds me in temperment of Anna. She is easy-going and sleeping well for her mommy, who has taken to motherhood like a fish to water. Thanks for doing this blog so I can keep up with my Anna.
Anna is just adorable and I'm so glad I got to see her (and you!) before little Jack makes his entrance.
I agreen with Nan... still can't see the tummy. But I'm sure it was just hideous in a bathing suit (read that in a sarcastic tone). I'm so excited for Jack... yeah!
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