I guess that for whatever reason, I still tend to think of Anna as our little baby so every time she accomplishes something new -- and seemingly very adult-like -- I'm amazed. A few months ago I started pulling a chair up to the kitchen counter and lettting her help me when I cook. Even now, I'm continually surprised at how relatively good her dumping and mixing skills are. (She's also got taste testing down too). One of our favorite things to make together is pancakes...
I love the redneck grasp that she has on the corn, all with a lovely and dainty blue bow in her hair.
A girl after my own heart. I love corn on the cob!!!!
She looks very civilized eating that corn. My boys look like wild animals with theirs. And I don't see stray kernels all over her face and plate. Did you clean up before you took the picture???
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