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We officially have a magic, thumb-suck-inducing blankie. This morning I left Anna alone in her room to play and came back to find that she had pulled the blankie through the rungs of the crib and started sucking away.
I thought everyone would want to see some Easter photos. It was super cold, so the outfit seemed a bit inappropriate, but cute nonetheless. The fluffy pink dress didn't stop her from tearing into the toys the very second I put her down in the church nursery. She managed to destroy her tights in about 24 minutes.
Okay, let's be honest. Nobody really wants to hear about the bathroom remodel on the blog. Everyone just wants the Anna udpate. So here's the latest. Anna had her nine month check up a couple weeks ago and weighed in at a surprisingly trim 19 lbs 2 oz. (50th percentile believe it or not.) Apparently, she only seems chubby because she's carrying so much in her cheeks and head. (For the record, her head measurement was in the 90th percentile!)
She's crawling around like a maniac and getting into everything. Our lifestyle has had to adjust quite a bit. I'm sure I say "no" about 107 times a day now. The other big new thing for Anna is her determination to feed herself. She turns her nose up at most spoon-fed, pureed baby food now because she wants to be in charge. It's a messy ordeal, but it makes her happy. The best part is when she makes what I've dubbed "mousey face" in between bites. I finally caught it on video:
We've finally started work on the upstairs bathroom! As I'm typing, Anna is asleep at a neighbor's house because the cutting and hammering and banging is just TOO LOUD. While living in a construction zone isn't the most fun in the world, I'll definitely be happy to finally have a shower upstairs!
It's been a long time coming, but the little one finally crawls! The mechanics are still a bit awkward, but she pretty much has it figured out. I'm sure Josh will be happy to hear that the first item she took four crawls toward was a Macy's bag...