So, word on the street is that everyone's worried because I haven't blogged in a while. Something tells me that's more about a desire to see photos and videos of the eternally chubby one rather than a genuine concern about, say, Josh and me. Regardless, we're back and Anna's as cute as ever so you're all in luck. 
Anna spent her first week away from home back at the beginning of the month. We shipped her off to the grandparents in PA so that Josh and I could get some work done around the house. We got lots of painting and cleaning done. In fact, according to the dumpster rental company, we threw out 1.63 tons of crap, most of which was lovingly left for us by the previous owners. As it turns out, cleaning out our creepy basement landed Josh in the emergency room -- or at least we think that's what did it. He got a nasty bug-bite looking thing on his leg that turned out to be some awful infection that had spread to his blood stream by the time he finally went to the emergency room. They pumped him full of antibiotics (thanks again Mr. Alexander Fleming!) and apparently he's going to live. I'm seriously considering billing the previous owners the $267 we paid for the dumpster plus $100 for the ER co-pay. Thoughts?
Once we found out Josh was going to survive, we drove down to PA to collect Anna and headed to Ocean City, NJ with my parents and brother for a week of vacation. Anna had a great time. Here are some photos from the beach:
We had a few visitors while we were in Ocean City, including Melissa and Eowyn who came down for a day. It's amazing how much the girls have grown in a year:

After the week at the shore -- and sadly saying goodbye to Uncle Dave who officially lives in CA now -- Anna and I spent a week in PA with the Kulp grandparents while Josh headed to MD for work. Here's a cute video I took of Anna dancing in a little puddle (um, of hose water, that is) at my parent's house:
Playing in the garden:

Feeding the ducks with Granddad at Penn State Ogontz: