In lieu of jamming your inbox with large photos files...
This week, Anna started making a cute clicking noise with her tongue. (Possibly one that only a mother thinks is blog-worthy?) Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to edit video clips, so you'll have to wade through a full minute and a half of video in order to get the show!
Anna got to spend some time with her buddy Talia this week. Lori & I think there's definite friendship potential here... as opposed to one of those awkward situations where the moms are friends and they force they're children to be friends too! If Talia looks worried in this picture, it's probably with good reason. Lori was worried about Talia hurting Anna, but as it turns out, it's my child who has NO IDEA what you mean when you tell her to be gentle!
SITTING UP! She's still a little wobbly, but she has the basic idea!
Dressed up for church... the black Mary Jane shoes got lost somewhere along the way.