Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Jack Walks!
It's official. Jack walks. And it turns out he's not so late after all. For some reason I had it in my mind that Anna walked at exactly 12 months, but looking back at old blog posts, she didn't walk until (exactly) July 14, 2008. She would have been 13 months, 16 days. So here we are nagging Jack to just get up and walk already, worrying that there was something seriously wrong with his hips (thanks again to all the lawyers who scare the crap out of my pediatrician), and just generally feeling like it wasn't right that his big sister had beat him to the chase. He is a BOY after all! But it looks like we were totally ahead of ourselves, and, unlike Anna, Jack isn't messin' around with a few steps here or there. Last night (March 14, 2011 @ 14 months, 10 days) Jack just let go of the couch, walked clear across the room, and basically hasn't stopped trying out his new skill since. Bravo my sweet boy!
Monday, February 28, 2011
My Little Tooth Brusher
In the month that's gone by since my last blog, Jack has acquired a multitude of new skills. He still doesn't walk or manage any sort of truly meaningful communication (he prefers to rely on the old grunt and point, reserving the threat of nuclear screaming if mommy doesn't get it right away), but he is fully capable of climbing up on Anna's bathroom stool and brushing his teeth. Go figure.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Jack At One Year

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wrapping Up 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Jack Around The House
Jack's second new activity is hiding in his outhouse. This cardboard beauty was initially intended for Anna, but Jack has now claimed it at his own. Sometimes he's just in and out for a quick game of smash-the-house/peek-a-boo, but he also uses it to take care of his serious business which has led Josh's dad to correctly assert that we now have a 3.5 bath house. We'll be cutting the crescent moon in the front door shortly.
Monday, December 6, 2010
11 Months (Side by Side)

Pathetically, we still have at least six or seven moving boxes that we haven't unpacked. It's been almost a full year since we started the moving process... and yet. Happily, however, I finally dug out the old hard drive that has all of our pre-2010 photos on it, so I could FINALLY put photos of Anna & Jack side by side. Here they are at 11 months. I think they could almost pass for twins if it weren't for Anna's (still) wildly oversized noggin.
And now for a video of Jack's latest "go crazy" move:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Happy Halloween Jack!
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